Internationally recognized services available through BC Cancer to internal and external researchers and collaborators include the following.


BASIC’s mission is to serve the research pathology needs of the BC Cancer Research Institute and BC Cancer, thereby supporting tissue-based biomarker research and precision oncology while enabling a broader capacity for translational research, genomic medicine and novel, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for British Columbians.

Genome Sciences Centre

Clinical Services

We provide high throughput, targeted and whole genome sequencing in a CAP and DAP certified laboratory. Our combination of scientific, technical, informatic and clinical expertise means you can be confident that our data and diagnostics are of the highest quality.

Terry Fox Laboratory

Flow Cytometry Core

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF), is housed in the Terry Fox Laboratory and provides investigators at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre access to high quality, cost effective flow cytometry services. By providing these services, as well as the scientific expertise necessary to effectively use this technology, the Facility serves to enhance the scope and quality of scientific research performed at the Research Centre.

Integrated Mouse Modelling Services

The BC Cancer Integrated Mouse Modelling Services (IMMS) was initiated in 2020 as an expansion of the Center for Genetic Modeling (CGM) and Terry Fox Laboratory Transgenics Core after over a decade of successful operations. Our experienced staff supports a vibrant and diverse research community, guaranteeing the necessary support to conduct biomedical research and answer essential questions. The IMMS is situated within the BC Cancer Research Institute (BCCRI), which houses a 1,995 m2 rodent facility (ARC) that provides a barrier environment matching the highest standards of pathogen control for commercial facilities around the world. A biohazard Containment Level III facility, an Embryonic Stem (ES) cell lab, and mouse phenotyping suites also exist as infrastructure support for the IMMS.

Strand-seq Core

The Strand-seq Core (SCORE) at the BC Cancer Research Institute offers production of Strand-seq data on a fee-for-service basis using state of the art instrumentation and innovative protocols.

Experimental Therapeutics

Investigational Drug Program

BC Cancer Investigational Drug Program (IDP) provides fee-for-service preclinical research services and contract manufacturing for academic and private sector researchers. IDP’s mandate is to help its research partners develop promising therapeutic compounds to the point where they can be tested in early phase human clinical trials.

Deeley Research Centre

Molecular and Cellular Immunology Core

The Molecular and Cellular Immunology Core (MCIC) is a full service facility specializing in advanced molecular and histological methods including multicolour immunohistochemistry (mcIHC) and immunofluorescence (mcIF), automated image analysis, laser capture microdissection, multispectral flow cytometry, and single-cell sequencing. 

MCIC supports academic and industry projects both nationally and internationally, ranging from investigator-driven basic research, to correlative studies for clinical trials, to fee-for-service projects with industrial clients.

Nursing and Allied Health Research and Knowledge Translation

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