Above photo: Terry Fox Lab 1982.
On Monday, May 16, the Terry Fox Laboratory (TFL) hosted its 40 year anniversary event. The event celebrated the past 40 years of growth and remarkable achievements of the Terry Fox Laboratory since its establishment in 1982, while also sharing a vision to enable its future development.
Since its establishment in 1981, TFL has developed an international reputation for research exploring the molecular mechanisms and pathways involved in the regulation of cell renewal systems. The celebration event included speakers Dr. Pamela Hoodless, director and distinguished scientist, TFL, Dr. François Bénard, senior executive director, BC Cancer – Research, Dr. Rob McMaster, vice dean, research, UBC, Elissa Morrissette, associate vice president, development, BC Cancer Foundation, highlights from Dr. Allen Eaves and Dr. Connie Eaves, and trainee perspectives from Dr. Florian Kuchenbauer and Gabriela Segat.
Elissa Morrissette.
Dr. Connie Eaves and Dr. Allen Eaves.
The goal of TFL is to make novel discoveries in the biology underlying normal development and cancer initiation/progression. The group has longstanding expertise in mammalian systems with focus on normal hematopoiesis/leukemia/lymphoma, normal and malignant mammary tissues, and lineage specification in the gut, but also more recently acquired expertise in yeast genetics.
The team is currently composed of 16 scientists overseeing approximately 50 graduate students, 35 post-doctoral fellows, and 60 additional highly qualified technical and support personnel. Together this team deploys cutting edge research strategies to tackle fundamental problems in cancer biology.