Facilitating the research of numerous nationally and internationally recognized scientists, in over sixty labs across British Columbia, to improve cancer care.

BC Cancer Research strives to improve the lives of patients through the integration of basic biomedical research, genomics, clinical trials, health services research, cancer surveillance, population health, and the development of innovative new technology, programs, and interventions. Organized through departments and programs with various themes, BC Cancer supports groundbreaking cancer research and personalized care approaches through world-class facilities and platforms including genomics, bioinformatics, imaging, drug development and tissue banking.

Our Research

The success of BC Cancer is driven by the people and their passion to reduce the impact of cancer on people and society. Our 2023 Research Report showcases how BC Cancer continues to be internationally recognized for our excellence in cancer research and its integrated model of cancer planning and care. 

Read the 2023 BC Cancer Research Report

News & Events

GSC to Collaborate on Five Projects for the Canadian Precision Health Initiative

The GSC is proud to announce its collaboration on five groundbreaking projects as part of the Canadian Precision Health Initiative (CPHI). This ambitious national effort, launched today in Ottawa by the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, represents an $81-million investment from the Government of Canada through Genome Canada.

Research Recovery Resources

BC Cancer Research is taking a gradual and careful approach to re-opening research activities to protect our staff, patients and communities.

Access our COVID-19 recovery resources.

Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan outlines our direction to strengthen our research capabilities and collaboration with departments and partners to improve our ability to generate knowledge, enhance the impact of our research, and support innovation in clinical care.  

Read the BC Cancer Research Strategic Plan.


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